
ACE one – the cooker who aims to save millions

African clean energy is the name of the company who wants to use a simple solution to change the lives of millions. So what are they offering that is so groundbreaking? They have looked at one of the biggest killer in the 3rd world countries and that is HAP (household air pollution), caused by open… read more »

Homework with QR code

When scanned it takes the child to an instructional YouTube video related to the assignment/lesson. What a nice idea to add an extra information channel for a better understanding of the students. It is interesting to observe how the QR code has made its progress from the first designs in 1994 for the Japanese automotive… read more »

Bee hives protect from elephants

The Elephant and Bees Project started in 2009, when zoologist Lucy King suggested to use bees as guardians for elephants on east African farms from. One can imagine the force and strength that would be needed to stop elephants and the potential harm and collateral damage that it would bring with it. But as this… read more »
