
5 (Neo)Commandments, Stewardship & Family companies

Family companies that survived for more than 3 generations and what we can learn from them… I will lay down 5 Neo-commandment learned through decades of hard work and perseverance from those who came before us. But before we do that, let’s just for a moment pretend someone came down from a mountain and gave… read more »

Freecycle & Freegle – One persons trash is another persons treasure

Freecycle was formed in 2003 with the ideas if the gift economy in the backround. It is a worldwide network of “gifting” groups/people to divert reusable goods from landfills to places where they are wanted and needed, connecting givers with takers. Present in more than 100 countries and with close to 10 million members it… read more »

Anki – Remembering things just became much easier

Anki is for everyone who has something new in their life that they need to learn and if it needs to happen fast it is even more important to find the right method to do so. It’s aim is to make remembering things easy. More efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease… read more »

ACE one – the cooker who aims to save millions

African clean energy is the name of the company who wants to use a simple solution to change the lives of millions. So what are they offering that is so groundbreaking? They have looked at one of the biggest killer in the 3rd world countries and that is HAP (household air pollution), caused by open… read more »

Digital green

What an amazing project. Digital Green is helping farmers to share their questions, their success stories and the best practices that propel them forward. Improving agricultural practices, health, livelihood and nutrition with shared videos and human mediated dissemination What started in a few villages around Bangalore in now spread in more that 17.000 villages across… read more »

LEGO® Braille Bricks

What a great idea from Lego, a playful tool to teach Braille to blind and visually impaired children. Brings a different energy into the classroom and gives children the ability to express themselves and learn in a more creative way.

A simple gadget making a big difference in the bathroom

I have first encountered Amphiro in a hotel in Florence and it seemed such a great idea. A smart device that gives people an insight into their showering habits and the long term impact it can have on the energy consumption in the house. The graphics of the polar bear coming closer to drowning make… read more »

Changing children’s lives one solar cow at a time

What an idea… In rural Africa many children are denied the access to education because their families see more benefits if they stay at home and help them out. What if we change this narrative? That is exactly what the South Korean company named YOLK has done. They have installed a solar panels designed in… read more »

Edible water bubble

The race is on, who is going to be the first one to create a quantum leap in the packaging industry. We will take a look into one solution that could hold a bright promise for the future. Ooho! started in 2013 with an idea and it has morphed from a water bubble into a… read more »
